Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Marin History Museum & Marin County Law Enforcement Museum Project - Update

 A small group of us has been working closely with the Marin History Museum on the Marin County Law Enforcement Museum Project.  Harry Barbier was appointed to their Board of Directs a year or so ago and has been keeping our group up to date on the MHM's activities and how it is looking for our  Marin County Law Enforcement Museum Project.  With the issues surrounding COVAD-19 and the restrictions we've not been able to meet as a group or work with MHM staff.

Harry updated our group a couple of days ago.  A big "Thank you!" to Harry for all his work on this project and for housing all the donated material.  Here is his update.

There was no fundraiser this year, but the museum did get some money from the county to help with rent.  The museum applied to the city to get back into the Boyd gatehouse and it looks like that will happen.  They will take it over at the end of Jan if all goes well.  This would give us a place to display some of our items.  The museum itself in Novato is still closed to the public.  I would think  that by the first part of 2021 we could start to transfer some of our items to them, if this Covid thing calms down. They are working hard to get more money.  At the moment they have enough funds to last about 18 months if no other income is received, however the county has come forward to help and they are looking at other sources, so I am a little more hopeful that they will remain solvent. They are not going to look for a director for the time being, but Heather is still there.

I told Harry I was sad to learn of the news, but not surprised given the past fund raising problems faced by MHM.  

Our group still has to conduct an inventory and enter the information into the MHM's database before we turn over any more material.  Harry will work on this next part of our efforts to get our donated material into MHM's facility and on display.

We'll update when we have more information.

Gene Pennington 

San Rafael Public Safety Building Public Lobby - Update

 Now that the new SR Public  Safety Building has opened, I want to share some disappointing news about the public lobby.  A small group of us had been asked by SRPD to volunteer to work with a committee to make suggestions on the public lobby layout and what could be placed there for display to honor the memories of both SRPD and SRFD.  There were representatives from the current SRPD and SRFD and the City of San Rafael and a couple of community members.

After a couple years of meetings and hundreds of hours spent collecting material and making recommendations, we were looking forward to the public opening and had hoped for a special showing for our Retired SRPD members.  Well, COVAD-19 sent that hope to the trash bin in a hurry.  The good news is that the construction of the new facility moved forward and in July 2020 the building was turned over to the SRPD and SRFD to start moving their people and equipment into place, which has now been completed.

Prior to things being moved, our small group wondered what decisions had been made on the displays in the public lobby and asked for some photos of the new lobby displays.  Sad news is that NOTHING has been placed in the public lobby and NONE of the special panels, shelving or display cases have been added to the lobby.

Needless to say our group is very, very, disappointed and upset over the lack of action by the City of San Rafael.

Knowing San Rafael like we do, it's probably a result of lack of money and politics.  We've reached out to some "insiders" hoping to learn more and see if the future of the lobby will someday hold all the memories our group put together.

Politics!  Bah humbug! 

Gene Pennington