Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Artifact and Picture Collection Day

To all members of our Marin County Law Enforcement family we are inviting you to participate in efforts to capture and preserve our long, interesting Marin history.  As previously announced, our small group has officially joined with the Marin History Museum in these efforts.  Hence, we must begin to do our part to make this happen.
We now have a structure in place to receive items and images of our members in action or participating in day-to-day activities.  Our first major effort will be to receive any new artifacts and combine artifacts we already possess in one location.  After this first effort we will catalog what we have and begin the transfer of items to the Marin History Museum.
We've set our date for our FIRST collection event.  We had to cancel the one planned for May but this date is now set.  Any items of historic value will be welcome, also looking for photos (we can scan and return) and documents, especially radio rosters and I.D. number rosters.  We will be setting up another day in Sept.

Anyone wishing to turn items by appointment can do so by emailing me or calling me at 415-450-1019.
Date: Thursday, August 29, 2019
Time: 10:00 am - 2:00  pm
Location:     Barbier Security
                     20 Commercial Place, Novato
Many of our colleagues have indicated that they would like to help us complete the process.  This will center on article identification, tagging, and packaging.  Anyone have any experience in these activities?
 You can certainly send us an email to let us know you are one of the willing.  There will be lots of work up front to capture things we already possess.  Later work will not be as intense but really rewarding, as we assemble our history for all to see and recognize.
 We are looking for items of interest in law enforcement.
·      Pictures, video, and digital images
·      Newspaper or magazine articles
·      Maps
·      Department directives and memos
·      Training information
·      Uniform items
·      Technical equipment
·      Tactical equipment
·      Vehicle equipment
* ltems accepted will be logged and receipts given as required.
** Pictures will be digitized and returned, if needed.
*** Do not forget to check your personal stash of pictures.
**** Remember that this is a Marin County Law Enforcement effort.  All departments and agencies are included.  We would love for members of  all agencies - large and small - to join our group.  Contact us to become a  board member.