Friday, September 23, 2016

Project Update - September 23, 2016

Please note the following summary will appear on this Facebook page and on the Marin County Public Safety Museum Facebook page and on both websites for those projects.
Before I start the update, I’d like to remind you that we are still accepting donations of any artifacts, material or pictures that you, a family member or friend may want to contribute to our projects.  We can accept them now because Harry has offered storage at Barbier Security.
If you have pictures but don’t want to donate them, remember that we have the ability to scan them and save them.  That way you can share them with us but you can still keep the pictures.
I’d also like to remind you that volunteers are welcome to join either or both of our projects!  Just contact Harry Barbier, Tom Boyd, Jeff Franzini or myself or post a message on one of our FaceBook pages or websites.  I’ll include that information at the end of the update.
It’s been some time since we posted an update for the Marin County Law Enforcement Museum and the Marin County Public Safety Museum so here is an update as of September 23, 2016.  Note that Jeff has been on vacation for most of the summer and is not expected to return until mid-October.
The three of us, Harry Barbier, Tom Boyd and myself had been meeting on a regular basis to discuss both Museum projects but we have not met for the past couple of months because we have been meeting with a group called the San Rafael Public Safety History Group that was started a few months ago.
Its Chair is Dr. Stephen Mizroch, a member of the San Rafael Fire Commission, who has the backing of the San Rafael City Council to start the group and report back to the Mayor and Council.  The group has a representative from SRPD and SRFD as well as 2 members of the San Rafael Fire Commission and some at large San Rafael residents plus some retired people from both SRPD and SRFD.  Harry, Tom, Jeff and myself were invited by Captain Glenn McElderry to participate in this committee’s work.  Glenn is the Department’s representative for the new San Rafael Public Safety Building project and thus a member of the San Rafael Public Safety History Group.
The San Rafael Public Safety History Group was formed to make recommendations to the San Rafael City Council on what items to put on display in the public space located inside the front entrance to the new San Rafael Public Safety Building.  This project is well under way and final plans have been approved with fine tuning of the project now underway.
After attending the first couple of meetings of the San Rafael Public Safety History Group, it became apparent to us that many of the stated goals of the San Rafael Public Safety History Group overlapped those of our two museum projects.  I provided a history of our 2 groups to the San Rafael Public Safety History Group a couple of times in the hopes of clarifying our efforts to get our 2 projects up and running and to hopefully avoid a duplication of effort.
Because of the large overlap in goals, Harry and Tom, and myself, decided our smaller group (working on the 2 museum projects) did not need to meet again until it was clear what the San Rafael Public Safety History Group was going to do and how they were going to accomplish their goals once they were formalized.
1.      So our group for the Marin County Law Enforcement Museum and the Marin County Public Safety Museum, have not met for some time.  We’re waiting to see what comes from the San Rafael Public Safety History Group.
The architect met with us on 9/19/16, and answered many important questions. For example:
1.      There is only about 300 square feet of floor space available to display exhibits.
2.      There is a large amount of wall space available to display exhibits in the lobby and exhibition areas.
3.      There is enough room to install some display cabinets.  These could be fixed or mobile.
a.      The design and configuration of the display cabinets will be determined by the architect and brought back to us for our input.
4.      There is funding in the project to include lighting, electrical and computer and network connections.  This is critical and she will ensure there is enough flexibility to ensure any future expansion or changes.
5.      There is some funding for public art for the new building.
a.      There is a ton of wall space available throughout the building in both police and fire spaces to hang pictures.
6.      There is no funding for personnel to setup and maintain the exhibition area (floor, display cabinets or wall space areas).
There has been a lot of discussion about what to display in the exhibition area (floor and wall space) and the collection, inventory and storage of exhibits.  Much of this discussion overlaps the discussions we’ve had for our 2 projects.
We’ll continue to meet with the San Rafael Public Safety History Group and offer as much support as we can.  However, it is my opinion that some of the members of the San Rafael Public Safety History Group want to create a new group working within the framework of the San Rafael City organization just for this project rather than try and bring all 3 groups together working on a common set of goals.  Harry, Tom and I have expressed our interest in seeing the groups finding some way to work together to meet all of goals for all the groups.
The 3 groups are:
1.      The Marin County Law Enforcement Museum
2.      The Marin County Public Safety Museum
3.      The San Rafael Public Safety History Group
Whether or not this will be possible, remains to be seen.  There are some obvious obstacles ahead but the main thing we want to accomplish is to have some input into what the public exhibition area will look like and what exhibits will be put on display.
As more information becomes available in the future months, we’ll update you.  For now, there are no meetings planned until January 16, 2017.  The architect will return to report to us what she has developed from our ideas and suggestions.
Gene Pennington
Marin County Public Safety Museum
Marin County Law Enforcement Museum